Medical Practice IT & EHR Services

Nephrology is Our Specialty

Leaders in Kidney Care

Electronic Health Records (EHR) & IT Support

Nephrology Practice Management

The days of paper charting are long gone.  The use of an Electronic Health Record for charting, billing, sharing information and reporting for new CMS-mandated quality programs has become essential in any medical practice.

Does your nephrology practice need a more robust EHR or one that is easier to use as your practice grows?  Are you taking full advantage of the system you have in place?  If your EHR is the right fit, then you could enjoy more efficiency and profit.
Our IT team members can also offer support for other technology needs that arise in your practice.

The Information Technology Team at Tower Physician solutions is made of experienced professionals who are easy to work with.  Unlike technology consulting firms, Tower offers a team who understands the full context of daily medical practice activities and will support you as you put the right EHR in place, work through computer or phone issues or train your staff to use the technology you have to its full extent.

Your dedication to your patients is of the utmost importance, and as a nephrology medical professional, it is where your focus should be. We have created an entire system that ensures you will never have to micromanage again. Spend more time with your patients and leave the management of your practice to our skilled team of technology service professionals.


  1. Billing and Coding
  2. Physician Billing
  3. EHR/EMR 
  4. Medical Billing Collections
  5. Staff Administration (H.R., Payroll and Benefits Administration)
  6. EMR/EHR-Integrated Accounting
  7. PPO Contracting
  8. Group Purchasing Discounts
  9. Regional Manager Oversight
  10. Physician Credentialing with Coding Evaluation
  11. Medical Coding Evaluation and Updating
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